Secrets of Thought Leadership Articles

FinanceWriter’s clients diverge in their views of what a “Thought Leadership” article is - and what it will do for them

At first firms commissioning “Though Leadership” articles question how someone who doesn’t work for their firm nor specialises in the firm’s activities; someone who, “walks in off the street”, can be sufficiently acquainted with the firm, its products or sector to write intelligently and authoritatively about their firm’s business.

But most often, they are not sure what a Thought Leadership article is - and what it will achieve.

Quick on the Uptake

FinanceWriter writers’ backgrounds in financial journalism have given them the intelligence, experience and capability to quickly turn their minds to all manner of subjects.

Newspaper editors, just like those commissioning Thought Leadership articles, require their correspondents to rapidly appreciate and assimilate highly diverse, as well as, technically or financially complex issues.

Reporters may cover the impact of an annual report on a corporation's share price today, the effect of central bank interest rate changes on bond funds tomorrow, and a new banking regulation of treasury activity the day after tomorrow.

Only using primary sources, reporters transform information into an accurate and authoritative articulation of a subject.

Both reporting and Thought Leadership writing require a clear, consistent and accessible style if they are to meet the needs of the demanding readership of world-leading financial publications like the Wall Street journal or The Banker - or you, your customers, clients or other business stakeholders.

"White Paper" Or "Blue Sky"

But what is a Thought Leadership article and what does it do?

To some Thought Leadership articles are "white papers" - similar to governments floating proposals before they draft new laws. For a company, Thought Leadership papers might propose new thinking, new products, new services and new strategies that will augment shareholder return, improve relationships with clients or enhance services and performance.

To others Thought Leadership papers are "blue sky thinking" - thinking aloud - about the future, the challenges and opportunities open to the firm and its clients and their markets. It is with this type of “clean slate” that the external, independent Thought Leadership writer can make a major contribution as they can genuinely, “think outside the box”!

As You Like It

The purpose of Thought Leadership articles is what you make of them. They can create opportunities for explanation, expansion, exploration and, most importantly, engagement.

While for some they are purely a marketing opportunity: maintaining their firm’s profile in the forefront of clients’ minds.

At FinanceWriter we will discuss your objectives, starting with the readership with whom you want to engage and how you would like to influence them.

Key to Thought Leadership articles is the writing. Does it interest and engage your target readership? Will it encourage a reaction from them? Do you want feedback, a discussion or just to be thought provoking? Do you want to explain technicalities, expand on proposals or explore new opportunities?

But above all, you want someone who has read it to put it down and say, “Now that was interesting”!

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